Healthy diet, balanced life

Rising Leaders Academy




Step 1 FEEL

-Exam process homework load -Busy syllabus, -Long class hours -Transportation to school, -Shuttle problem -Cleaning school toilets -Students do not have the confidence to tell theır problems to their teachers at school Peer Bullying And Violence At School

We realized students can not access proper nutrition which concered us deeply.

This problem affected students, teachers, the school's boards and the school's staff.

Step 2 Imagine

-Talking to families -Protesting -Changing the menu in consultation with teachers to make them understand the situation in order to change the attitude of the school management -Raising awareness in the school by inviting an expert -Collect information from students by conducting a survey and write a report -Influencing the school administration to change its mind

Collect information from students by conducting a survey and write a report: We imagined changing the school boards opinion in order to achive a school environment where students can access balanced nutrition.

Step 3DO

1. We decided to find out the opinions of the students in order to change the school management's opinion about the better quality and healthier food in the school cafeteria. 2. For this we prepared a questionnaire and applied it to the students in our schools. 3. We got help from a sociologist to analyze the data from the questionnaire and collected the statistical results. 4. we prepared a report with the striking survey results to present to our school principals. 5. In order for the report to be taken into consideration by school principals, we received the opinions and suggestions of Dr. Hande Gül Gezer from Hacettepe University and added them to the report. 6. We started a negotiation with school principals.

We raised the awareness of students, teachers and school's boards about our problem. We started a negotiation process. we are still receiving feedback while our project is still ongoing.


1. "That is such a great idea! I really don't like the school's food. I hope you will be able to change this.". 2. "I lost hope about this subject, however I have a feeling that you can do something about it.".

-Phones were not allowed in schools that's why we had a hard time collecting answers. -Some people didn't care about this concept and didn't want to help us. -Some of us had a hard time finding people that can answer our questions.


Zero hunger

We think that our chosen problem alignes with the global goal "Zero Hunger" because we saw that especially students didn't eat during school hours, which created a lack of performance.

Step 4 SHARE

To share our story, we sent our repport to the school's boards, to some student's parents and talked with our friends. We used web pages, social medias and whatsapp groupchats.

More than 100

We will keep working on this project until the point where we reach a sustained result(s). We will keep organising meetings with profesionals, students and teachers.