Hand to Paw

Panyaden International School

Chiang Mai


Owen Haywood

Step 1 FEEL

Out of control homeless dog population. That suffer with diseases, hunger, car accidents and neglect .

I chose to help the street dogs in Chiang Mai.

For my project it was the dogs who suffered the most with diseases, starvation and accidents . This also affects the people, it makes the people sad and makes Chiang Mai unclean


-Do a sponsored bike ride -Do a sponsored hike -Support a local charity -Do a sponsored swim

I chose to hike Mt. Everest base camp at 8 years old and Mt. Kilimanjaro at 12 years old because it will attract people's attention . I chose the charity Hand to paw because I could see Amandine truly caring about the dogs. And gave 100% cash to the dogs and doesn't use it on her self.

Step 3DO

-Set up fundraising page with just giving. -Search for charities -Created a poster -Contacted and visited local businesses -Made Hand to paw and school flag

By sharing through school talks, posters, businesses sharing my posters and the national news writing about my adventures . people learned about the good charity Hand to paw.I made over 100,000 baht for Hand to paw


-Absolutely phenomenal - wonderful achievement -She might be small but she is MIGHTY and has a big heart -What a great cause -What a wonderful young lady - Chiang Mai news : A shining example our future is bright with people like Amelia. -Sooo proud

There were many challenges but the temperature was one of the hardest challenges I encountered. All the water was frozen in the pipes and my feet would be in pain because of the cold I cried once and almost gave up but it thought of what I was doing who I was hoping and how this could help my country .


Good health and well being

-15 days in Nepal -7 days in Tanzania -I needed to train -Get my supplies -Spread awareness -Talking to local businesses -Made a just giving page -Made posters

Step 4 SHARE

I have given a speech to my whole school about design for change. Kids are interest and some asked me about this years design for change in Japan .

More than 100

To continue to do more adventures for good causes and insuring others