Strive for Inclution




Helena von Malortie

Step 1 FEEL

The newly arrived students didn't feel included in the school. There were few chances for interaaction with the swedish students.

Inclusion - how to integrate and create contacts

Mostly the immigrant students but there were also many Swedish students that felt lonely.


There were many ideas such as book club, discussion groups, sports tournaments and cultural events.

Fotball tournament combined with a cultural food event. The students decided to be proactive and invite the Swedish students.

Step 3DO

A class in high school was invited with a promotion video. They planned and prepared the tournament as well as all the receipts of food from different cultures. They booked the Library for interaction and had comprehensive and personal presentations of their countries of origin. It was followed up by separate events for discussion groups and game sessions.

The project was evaluated by a quantiative questionary were all students responded positively and with a wish for a regular coming together to deepen the relationships.


It was great fun. I think it was interesting to get to know students with a different background. I want to do it again.

Language barriers were helped by smaller groups. Playing together and spontanous interaction with food.


Reduced inequalities

It bridged cultural barriers as well as gender inequalities were boys and girls interacted freely in games and activities.

Step 4 SHARE

We shared it with the entire school staff and also presented it in various classes and groups at the school.

More than 100

We hope this can serve as an inspiration to continue organizing events where students from different backgrounds come together. Various activities have already been planned where classes will meet and collaborate.