LeaD you on Podcast - Managing Toxic Relationships

Commonwealth Secondary School



Rizman Bin Hassan

Step 1 FEEL

Relationship (friendship, romantic, family, workplace etc.) matters a lot to teenagers, and people in general. We witnessed many cases of toxic or potentially toxic relationships, and were thinking of ways to help people with dealing with these to enhance their mental wellbeing.

We choose to work on an impact way to advice and remind toxic parties to stop being toxic as well as warn and enlighten victims about the toxic situation and how to tackle it. From our literature research and in-depth interviews with people around us, we found that in many cases, the toxic party knows they are being toxic but find it difficult to stop, whereas the victims often lack the courage or do not know what to do after they realise the toxicity of the situation.

People who are in toxic relationships. They need mental wellbeing and relationships that bring them positivity. When stuck in a toxic situation, they need specific advice and support in realising and getting out of the situation, in a safe way that ensures confidentiality.

Step 2 Imagine

Idea 1: Develop and App that can be a sharing platform, with access restrictions designed to ensure confidentiality. Idea 2: Counselling booth, that allows customers to consult anonymously. Idea 3: a Podcast channel that is unbiased and cater to both toxic parties and victims, with interactive features.

The idea of Podcast channel was chosen. Podcasts are easy to access, and tap on people's liking for stories and other people's experiences. They are available 24/7. The interactive channel allows for interaction with anonymous users for specific advices.

Step 3DO

We set up an Telegram account "LeaDyouon Podcast". We recorded two episodes, the first one "Who's at fault?" talked about roles of both the toxic party and the victim; the second one "special guest" on how to stop being toxic, to guide the toxic party. We also designed interactive panels and posts such as story sharing, questions, contacts of professionals and support groups, and polls.

As of June 2023, we had 24 subscribers to the Telegram channel and garnered 56 views for the first episode. We also managed to invite a guest speaker for the second episode.


"When discussing about toxic relationship with my friends, I remembered about the podcast and listened to it again." "It's very relatable and it was able to solve my problems!"

We took a long time to do research, and to do in-depth interview with people to find out what they really need. The recording of the podcasts and publicity was not easy, but was fun at the same time.


Good health and well being

Toxic relationships are getting more common and they impede mental wellbeing of people.

Step 4 SHARE

We publicised on Instagram to gain attention. In school, we shared our project in CWSS Design TEDTalk with some students and teachers including school leaders. We also exhibited our posters in school for the whole school population to view. They gave positive feedback and saw potential in full implementation and even commercialization.

More than 100

We plan to further publicise on multiple channels e.g. Instagram, snippets of podcast on Tiktok, inviting influential people as guests. We also plan to transit to the anonymous Tellonym as a sharing platform. We would like to progress to gather sponsors, patrons and make it in the market.