Forest Blitz

RBK International School



Khushboo Mehta

Step 1 FEEL

To save lives of endangered species and protect trees from cutting down


1) Share rainforest news on Social media ( tell how the rainforest helps us and how many Animals aren’t able to survive because of deforestation) 2) Make connections and create a bigger team with the people who care about the Rainforests, Animals, and Plants. Include celebrity, elected representatives and other famous personality to join this cause and spread the word across the globe. 3) Re-use of e-waste (Kids writing and learning alphabets, numbers on waste laptop display panel ) 4) Nature has not a human body to eat meat (Herbivore Vs. Carnivore) 5) Regulated and Planned Cutting of Trees 6) Reforestation and Afforestation 7) Check over Forest Clearance for Agricultural and Habitation Purposes 8) Proper Utilisation of Forest and Forests Products Eliminate Deforestation from your diet eg: Palm oil, Soy products. Buy reasonably sourced products. Choose products which are certified by organizations. 9) Support Indigenous communities- Buying artisanal and fair trade products made by indigenous peoples is a unique and effective way to protect rainforests and sustainable livelihoods 10) Reduce your Carbon footprint- Drive less, take public transportation, turn down your home thermostat (even a couple degrees makes a big difference!), turn off lights and electronics when not in use, and avoid unnecessary air travel.

Step 3DO

Spread awareness to support Indigenous communities- Buying artisanal and fair trade products made by indigenous peoples is a unique and effective way to protect rainforests and sustainable livelihoods Reduce your Carbon footprint- Drive less, take public transportation, turn down your home thermostat (even a couple degrees makes a big difference!), turn off lights and electronics when not in use, and avoid unnecessary air travel. Buy reasonably sourced products. Choose products which are certified by organizations. Include celebrities, elected representatives, and other famous personalities to join this cause and spread the word across the globe.

Awareness amongst Students and their families


It's an amazing initiative and effort by Grade 6th learners- Ashish Joseph (English teacher) Thanks for Educating me. I'll act responsibly to reduce carbon footprints

to get eye-catching content in order to draw the attention of others Overcome the problem by involving more learners in the project and various meetings held for discussion and thinking.


Life on land

Step 4 SHARE

Share with teachers via email, The global Perspective teachers across Grades informed learners in the class about the kids' challenge project Final Project outcome shared in School newsletter which is sent digitally to Parents, Teachers, Management, and learners.