Getting rid of unnecessary arguments

Fajr Academy



Nimra Talha

Step 1 FEEL

sibling rivalries, pollution, cleanliness issues

Students concentrated on sibling arguments, but their scope broadened to encompass disputes in general. They were deeply troubled by observing individuals engage in unnecessary verbal conflicts, be it among friends, loved ones, or strangers. They abhorred the disruption of harmony caused by such confrontations in their surroundings.

Children and adults.


The students efforts revolved around addressing arguments and promoting peace. They proposed videotaping instances of people engaging in arguments over trivial matters to create awareness about the negative impact of such conflicts. They also planned to hold sessions highlighting the drawbacks and ugliness of arguments, emphasizing the importance of peaceful interactions. To further drive the point home, they intended to stage a role play demonstrating how arguments can escalate and create a negative environment. Overall, each group's initiatives aligned with their respective goals and showcased their commitment to creating positive change in their communities.

The students chose awareness sessions and a role play to tackle the issue of arguments and advocate for peace. Their strategy involved conducting sessions that shed light on the adverse outcomes of engaging in trivial disputes. Furthermore, they aimed to record a role play showcasing the escalation and detrimental effects of arguments, emphasizing the significance of peaceful interactions and resolving conflicts.

Step 3DO

The students conducted a role play and organized a session to demonstrate the negative outcomes of engaging in futile arguments.

The students noted a positive change in their behaviour as they now pause to reflect when their conversations are on the verge of turning into arguments. Consequently, their verbal conflicts have significantly decreased.


"Now, we hardly have any argument in our class.” – Minal Wasi, Grade 7A "Since we started working on resolving conflicts and promoting understanding in our class, the atmosphere has changed dramatically. It's amazing to see how we hardly have any arguments anymore." Manal Nabeel Grade 7A

Fortunately, we did not encounter significant obstacles during the execution of the students plans. They were successful in carrying out their intended initiatives.


Peace, Justice and strong institutions

While complete absence of disagreement is unrealistic and not necessarily desirable in all circumstances, promoting constructive communication, understanding, respect, and collaboration can significantly contribute to fostering peace within interpersonal relationships, communities, and societies at large.

Step 4 SHARE

Every group visited a different school and interacted with the students there, sharing their experiences and accomplishments. Witnessing the dedication and hard work put in by the students inspired them greatly. It motivated them to join the program and contribute to the betterment of society in their own unique way.

More than 100

The students decided to consistently reinforce the idea of peace in their routine activities. They recognize the significance of promoting peace as an ongoing effort. By regularly emphasizing the importance of peaceful interactions, resolving conflicts peacefully, and creating a harmonious environment, they aim to cultivate a culture of peace. Their commitment to reinforcing this idea signifies their dedication to fostering a peaceful and harmonious society over time.