Mental Health Awareness





Step 1 FEEL

1. A substantial number of unfinished tasks. 2. An overwhelming and unmanageable schedule. 3. Pressure from the surroundings. 4. Individuals may find it difficult to manage their emotions due to the mental health issues they are facing, leading to inappropriate reactions.

We have selected point number 4 to focus on. When individuals are unable to manage their emotions, their reactions can become disruptive or inappropriate considering the situation or context. This can result in various adverse outcomes, including social isolation, academic challenges, and the adoption of negative coping mechanisms such as abuse or self-harm.

1. Friends with diverse family backgrounds and the challenges they are dealing with, such as financial difficulties, past traumatic events, or parental relationship issues. 2. Communities that encounter judgmental individuals lacking knowledge about mental health issues. 3. Psychiatric disorders and other issues related to mental and social well-being.


1. Journalling using sketch book from AWWA KIT 2. Expression session 3. Listening to calming music from AWWA KIT box QR code 4. Practicing relaxation technique and method 5. Spread knowledge among the school community and create the support system

Spread awareness of mental health within the school community and establish a support system. Mental health challenges can have a substantial impact on a student's academic performance. By promoting awareness and fostering a supportive atmosphere, students can address their mental health concerns, ultimately improving their focus and learning capabilities.

Step 3DO

Introduction to AWWA CARE Team members and an explanation of our group name, as part of a "Get to Know Us" session. The AWWA CARE Team is dedicated to raising awareness within the school community and globally, as mental health issues require heightened attention in today's diverse world. We have harnessed the power of technology through social media. We have conducted various activities to unite students in the endeavor of combating and alleviating challenges posed by mental health issues: Providing good luck cards and positive messages to students during examinations, boosting their motivation before facing upcoming tests. The AWWA KIT box includes essential oils, a wooden diffuser, a sketchbook, and clay that offers an earthy tactile experience, along with mint candies. "Express Your Feelings" sessions held within the school community.

1. We have increased awareness of how to handle emotions with a positive coping mechanism. 2. Reduced Stigma: One of the primary goals of mental health awareness projects is to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues. When people are more aware of the prevalence and diversity of mental health challenges, they are less likely to stigmatize those who are struggling. This can lead to greater empathy and understanding. 3. Increased Awareness: Mental health awareness projects can increase overall awareness of mental health issues. People who may not have been previously informed about mental health conditions and their effects on individuals and society can become more knowledgeable.


1. " I feel relieved." 2. "My burden has been lifted." 3. "I'm happy." 4. "You guys are doing a great progress."

1. Time management in relation to school matters and how to synchronize it with the I CAN SUPERHEROES FOR CHANGE program. We created a strategy and ask permission from teachers to allow us a flexible timeframe for completing this project. 2. Recognizing our lack of knowledge about mental health, we approached a counselor to acquire more information on the subject. 3. Due to a shortage of devices and storage/memory, we collaborated and took turns using available devices. Furthermore, we managed to secure funds for a microphone.


Good health and well being

Community Well-being: A mentally healthy population contributes to the overall well-being of communities and societies. Communities that prioritize mental health awareness tend to be more supportive, inclusive, and resilient in the face of challenges.

Step 4 SHARE

Our awareness project had been introduced by a given speech by all of the AWWA CARE Team members and also globally shared to the community by social media to make the use of technology,

More than 100

1. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with local organizations, mental health professionals, and community leaders. Building partnerships can ensure ongoing support, resources, and expertise for your project. Partners can help sustain and expand the project's reach. 2. Awareness Campaigns: Continue to promote mental health awareness through sustained public campaigns. Consistency in messaging and activities helps keep mental health in the public consciousness. 3. Promoting Videos: Continuously making videos to spread mental health awareness.